Can Rf Ablation Be Used on Nerves in the Cervical Spine?

J Spine Surg. 2022 Sep; 3(3): 463–467.

CT guided radiofrequency ablation of the cervical medial co-operative using a lateral approach in the supine patient

Received 2022 Nov thirty; Accepted 2022 Mar one.


The facet joints are a mutual source of cervicalgia, implicated in up to 55% of patients with chronic neck pain, including following whiplash injury and cervical spine surgery (1-v).

Therapeutic techniques for the management of chronic facet joint pain include facet joint denervation via radiofrequency ablation of the medial branch of the spinal dorsal ramus. The efficacy of the procedure was initially evaluated in a double blind controlled trial by Lord et al. and has been further validated in several observational and prospective studies (6-9).

Traditionally medial branch denervation has been performed under fluoroscopic guidance, however the advent of CT fluoroscopy has provided an alternative modality for image guided intervention. To our knowledge the technique and anatomical landmarks used for CT guided medial co-operative denervation have not previously been described.

This article describes the technique for CT guided radiofrequency denervation of the cervical medial branch using a lateral approach in a supine patient.

Beefcake and CT correlation

Each facet articulation is innervated by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus of the cervical spinal nervus from above and below. For instance, the C5/six facet joint is innervated by the medial branches of both C5 and C6.

After exiting the neural foramina, each cervical spinal nerve divides into ventral and dorsal rami. The dorsal ramus subsequently divides into medial and lateral branches, with the medial branch coursing around the lateral margin of the articular colonnade to its dorsal aspect ( Effigy 1A,B ).

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(A) Centric and (B) sagittal images demonstrating the course of the medial branch (yellow). The traditional fluoroscopic landmark is the intersection of bisecting lines created by the trapezoidal shape of the articular colonnade on sagittal imaging (red dotted lines). Annotation the C7 medial branch (open arrow) courses loftier along the superior articular process as it is elevated by the large C7 transverse process (asterisk).

Innervation of the upper and lower cervical facet joints differs slightly from the mid-cervical spine (discussed below):

C3 to C6 levels

Anatomic studies take demonstrated that the course of the C3–vi medial branches pass through the midpoint of the trapezoidal shape formed by the articular pillar on lateral cervix imaging. This is a recognised landmark for medial branch denervation performed using fluoroscopy ( Figure 1B ).

Utilizing multi-planar CT reconstruction, the traditional fluoroscopic landmark for the C3-6 levels correlates to the virtually cranial centric CT slice where both the posterior tubercle of the transverse process and articular colonnade are visible ( Figure 2A ). The target needle tip position is the dorsolateral cortex of the articular pillar.

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CT landmarks for cervical medial branch radiofrequency ablation. (A) Multi-planar sagittal and centric CT images at C5 with RF cannula in position. Target level in the mid-cervical spine is the most cranial slice where the articular pillar and posterior tubercle are visible, corresponding with the mid-point of the articular pillar on sagittal imaging. Target needle location is the dorsolateral cortex of the articular pillar. Note the ovoid coagulation field (illustrated) targeting the dorsolateral and lateral medial branch. Location of the carotid avenue (red) and jugular vein (blue) are demonstrated; (B) multi-planar sagittal and axial CT images at C7. Target level at C7 is the axial slice immediately cranial to the transverse procedure, corresponding with the apex of the superior articular process on sagittal imaging (asterisk). Target needle tip position is the dorsolateral cortex of the superior articular process; (C) multi-planar coronal and axial CT images at T1 (C8 medial branch). Target level at C8 is the axial slice immediately cranial to the T1 transverse process (asterisk). Target needle tip position (illustrated) is the dorsolateral cortex of the superior articular procedure.

C7 to C8 levels

The C7 medial co-operative is elevated by the large C7 transverse procedure and thus courses high towards the apex of the superior articular procedure ( Figure 1B ).

The C8 medial branch traverses laterally along the superior cortex of the transverse process. The articular branches to the facet articulation arise from the medial branch proximally near the base of the transverse process.

For C7 and C8 medial branch denervation, the axial CT target level is the slice immediately cranial to the superior cortex of the transverse process ( Figure 2B,C ). The target needle tip position is the dorsolateral cortex of the superior articular procedure at the junction with the transverse procedure.

C2 Level

The C2/3 facet joint is supplied primarily via the third occipital nerve (TON). Discussion of CT guided denervation of the TON is beyond the scope of this paper.


To minimise patient motion, nosotros perform the process under conscious sedation administered by an anaesthetist. The patient is positioned supine on the CT scanner table. A cushion is used to elevate the head, placing the cervical spine into a neutral position minimising flexion, extension, or rotation. This standardised neck position aims to ensure constancy and reproducibility of the bony target landmarks. The patient's head and arms are stabilised. The dispersive electrode pad (DGP-PM, Cosman Medical, Burlington, Massachusetts, USA) is secured to the patient'due south anterolateral thigh.

Sagittal scout images through the cervix are obtained, followed past a limited helical conquering, extending to the level above and below the facet joints to be denervated (kVp 120, tube current twenty–100 mA average 30 mA, 1 mm contiguous slice thickness). As each facet joint is supplied by the medial branch from the level above and below, a minimum of two nerves are denervated per procedure.

The pre-process images are reviewed on soft tissue windows to assess the location of the jugular vein, carotid and vertebral arteries. Prior CT or MRI imaging is as well reviewed for whatsoever abnormal vasculature, if available. A skin entry site along the lateral neck that will allow access to the target location, whilst avoiding these structures is chosen. Typically, the entry point and needle trajectory will be posterior to the carotid sheath structures, with the needle angled slightly downwards.

The entry site is marked on the patient's skin. Standard aseptic technique is utilized and 2–3 mL of ane% lignocaine is administered subcutaneously at each level. A 10-cm 20-gauge straight radiofrequency cannula with x mm tip exposure (Cosman {"type":"entrez-nucleotide","attrs":{"text":"CC101020","term_id":"29969290","term_text":"CC101020"}}CC101020-P) is advanced to the landmark using intermittent CT fluoroscopy. The exposed tip is carefully positioned to ensure lesioning of the medial branch both lateral and dorsolateral to the pillar ( Figure 2A ).

In one case satisfactory tip position is confirmed, the stylet is removed from the cannula and a length matched sterile reusable denervation probe is inserted and attached to the RF generator (Cosman G4 v2.1.0). A single thermal continuous RF lesion is generated at a temperature of ninety degrees Celsius for 90 seconds. The denervation probe is and then removed and one.5 mL of 0.v% Bupivacaine local anaesthetic is injected via the RF cannula prior to removal.

Once all ipsilateral levels have been denervated, the process can exist repeated for any contralateral levels. The patient is observed for a minimum of 2 hours mail-procedure prior to discharge.


At our establishment, CT guidance is utilized for the majority of spinal procedures and is a technique familiar to both general and interventional radiologists. CT guided intervention allows rapid and authentic needle positioning. Direct visualisation of the needle tip and its relation to regional soft tissue and neurovascular structures provides theoretical rubber benefits, potentially fugitive inadvertent lesioning of the spinal nerve or spinal cord, which take been reported equally rare complications (9).

Most traditional fluoroscopic techniques utilize a posterior approach with the patient prone. For CT guided intervention, the supine position is preferred by anaesthetists at our institution due to safer airway direction and command. We accept adapted our technique to the supine position using a lateral approach, similar to the approach utilised for CT guided cervical nervus root injections (ten). Nosotros position the needle at the dorsolateral aspect of the pillar where it remains parallel to the medial branch, an important consideration as estrus generation is predominantly sideways and parallel to the needle shaft (11). We utilise a 10 mm exposed tip which enables lesioning of the lateral and dorsolateral medial co-operative ( Figure 2A ).

We do non routinely perform motor or sensory nerve stimulation prior to lesion generation. We are enlightened that many practitioners apply this as an offshoot to fluoroscopic imaging to ensure adequate distance from major neurological elements prior to nerve coagulation, and this could exist adopted depending on proceduralist preference.

At our institution we generate a unmarried lesion at each level. We recognize that many practitioners advocate generating multiple RF lesions at each level to permit for slight inter-private variation in nerve course. The CT guided technique nosotros have described could be modified to accommodate individual practices.

To date, nosotros have performed cervical medial branch ablations in over 90 patients using the technique described, with 70% of patients receiving clinical benefit, which is similar to published results for the traditional fluoroscopic technique (8). Twenty percentage of patients take required echo ablations at between 9–24 months due to neural regrowth. There accept been no major complications, with a pocket-size percentage (10%) of patients describing transient cutaneous numbness, whilst one patient had ongoing sensory cutaneous changes which have not caused significant clinical concern to the patient.

We recognise our modified technique may take limitations. Compared to the fluoroscopic technique every bit described by Lord (half dozen), nosotros lesion the medial co-operative in a more distal location where there is greater potential for variability of nerve course. Given our needle tip position differs slightly from traditional fluoroscopic techniques, extrapolation of efficacy data from previous published studies may non be reliable.

Our technique utilizes intermittent CT fluoroscopy and low mA to limit radiations exposure. Nosotros have not quantified the level of radiations dose, nevertheless it has been demonstrated that CT guided procedures can be performed with acceptably low radiations doses to both patient and radiologist (12).


CT guided cervical medial co-operative denervation via a lateral approach is a feasible culling to traditional fluoroscopic techniques.


This work was supported past Dr. Jones and Partners Medical Imaging, St Andrews Hospital, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia.


Upstanding Statement: This study was performed post-obit approving from the St Andrews Hospital Human Enquiry Ethics Committee. All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible commission on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Annunciation of 1975, as revised in 2008 [5].


Conflicts of Interest: The authors take no conflicts of interest to declare.


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